Creative Leadership for Innovation and Change

Younger Generations look for Sustainability, Innovative Thinking, & Growth Opportunities
The Five Pillars of Growth Leadership:
Challenging the status quo with positive innovation.
Inspiring a vision and set of goals that result in mutual commitment from all employees.
Building teams that are empowered and are interdependent upon one other to succeed.
Modeling the behaviors you espouse to others.
Encouraging the hearts of employees so that they work through difficult times, striving to achieve the mutual vision and goals set before them.

When leading a department, division, or organization, it is indispensable to tie the four tools together with a strategic focus on leadership agreement, interdependency, interactive and lateral communications, collaboration, and cooperation...Read More:
Innovation Ecosystems

The more a company moves toward and enters into innovation, sustainability becomes a part of the fabric and culture of the organizational culture. System thinking looks at the whole system, its parts, transforming functions, and outcomes, i.e., holistically. The system is the sum of its interconnected parts. If the systems’ components are not maintained and updated, they become outdated, worn, and eventually irrelevant as technologies advance.
System thinking is the foundation for understanding how to create business value. System thinking empowers leaders to see the whole picture and make better decisions.
There are two major types of organizational system thinking; open and closed...Read More:​
The New "G" of Sustainability: Growth
For Millennial's to respect and follow you as a leader, leaders must wake up and realize that their company must have a purpose, they must support the communities that support them, and they must understand that we as leaders, must lead the change we want to see.
Traditionally there are three G’s of growth; consistent growth, competitive growth, and profitable growth. However, in today’s business environment these traditional corporate ideals are not enough to win the minds and hearts of Millennials. Our corporate cultures must embrace and adopt a fourth G; responsible growth, which creates social wealth...Read More:

Chief Sustainability Officers and the Younger Generations

To better attract sustainably-minded Gen X and high-performing Millennial and Gen Z talent. Company's are expanding the role of Chief Sustainability Officer at an ever-increasing rate. The expanding role of CSO's are influencing, empowering, and enabling companies to structure themselves
CSO's are also bolstering unity in diversity and cohesion as well. "Our interview data suggest that their responsibility evolves to tasks that relate to forging a strong culture and unifying the different subcultures inside the firm", Miller & Serafeim, Harvard Business School...Read More: