Creative Leadership for Innovation and Change

FourSight™ Collaboration
Model and Creative Problem Solving

FourSight™ team dynamics helps get the right butts in the right seats.
Unlocking Team Power with FourSight™ Team Dynamics
FourSight™ is the top teaming model for creative, innovative, and diverse team, as rated by IBM. IBM and many other firms use FourSight™ as the underpinning for their teaming models. The FourSight™ Mindsets and collaboration model teach employees how to choose, deploy and lead team members to optimize business processes. For instance, IBM uses FourSight™ with Agile. MIT's Design thinking is optimized by using FourSight™ collaboration tools.

By understanding group dynamics and using teaming models such as FourSight™, companies such as IBM, NASA, USBank, L'Oréal, Nike, and many others have unlocked in-person and remote teams' latent potential. As a result, employee efficiency, creativity, innovation, and productivity have significantly increased.
The FourSight™ is the #1 model for multi-generational teams. Its strategy identifies the way employees naturally think and handle problems, change, and innovations. It uses a collaboration model with optimization tools to place employees in the right seat on the creative problem solving buss. Its four categories of thinker types are based on cognitive theory science; and are proven to be universal across mankind. It marries employees thinking preferences with team communication and collaboration techniques.
FourSight™ is creating unprecedented team synergy, resilience and productivity even in our constantly changing remote business environment...Read More:
Nothing great happens without a team.
Creative Problem Solving
We provide leadership and facilitation of creative problem solving sessions. Sixty-five years of proven success and research back the Creative Problem-Solving (CPS) discipline. CPS has its roots in creating innovative marketing and advertising campaigns. Alex Osborn, the founder of the Creative Education Foundation (CEF), was an advertising executive and developed creating thinking and brainstorming into a proven method for energizing innovation and growth. By the 1930s, he and three gentlemen owned the largest advertising agency in the United States, BBDO. Today its it is the global conglomate Omnicom Group of Companies and generates over $15 billion in annual revenue.

CPS uses scientific research and behavioral psychology to create innovative ways to solve problems. Brainstorming was just its first tool. There are many augmentations and new strategies. Some I’m sure you’ve heard of like SWOT analysis, SMART goal creation, Blue Ocean strategies, and Mind Mapping...Read More:
MIT Design Thinking™
A company might adopt an excellent business process such as agile or MIT's design thinking, but if the process is not accompied by sound innovative leadership then the proces won't perform as expected.
Additionally if team members are not chosen, positioned and provided a collaboration model the process will under-perform.

FourSight™ is leadership's missing puzzle piece for optimizing design and creative workflow processes. Each step of of the creative process requires leadership. We can even facilitate creative problem solving and design thinking session for your organization as your leaders learn how to optimize and drive the innovation processed you use.
FourSight™ Creative Teaming & OD Intervention Tools
FourSight™ research has proven the more responsibility a leader has within an organization the more important creativity, innovation, and vision become. FourSight™ Tools help leaders own creativity to be unlocked while leading an driving the innovation process.
Organizational Development interventions become creative meeting for change management and continuous improvement strategic planning. The velocity of change is the one thing we must all closely monitor and harness to thrive in today's VUCA world.